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註冊時間: 2002-05-27
文章: 39
來自: 台灣 , 中華民國

發表發表於: 星期三 六月 30, 2004 1:57 pm    文章標題: dsbl.org 引言回覆

I got a message telling me to come here.

We''''re sorry. If you bothered coming to this page, you are probably an innocent mail user who''''s mail has bounced back with a message telling you to come to this site. We''''ll try to explain what''''s happened.

You sent mail to a destination address. The person who runs the mail server at that address has chosen to refuse email from dangerously misconfigured, insecure, or abuseable servers based on a list that we publish. They most likely did this because blocking mail that originates from servers in our list can significantly reduce the amount of UCE (unsolicited commercial email), or spam, that users of their mail server receive.

Please don''''t misunderstand; we''''re not implying that you send spam. The message that you received simply means that the administrator of your server either doesn''''t know, or has chosen to run an open relay or open proxy.

An open relay is a mail server that will accept and deliver mail from anywhere to anywhere. This is as opposed to properly configured mail servers, which will only accept mail from or to their own site. Many spammers send spam through these relays, which act as amplifiers and anonymizers for their messages.

How to fix this.

Of course, you want your mail to go through. In order for this to happen, your Internet Provider needs to fix their mail server. You can point them to this page, if you like; there are instructions linked off our front page fixing most mail servers. As soon as your provider fixes their server and requests removal from this website, your mail will start going through again.

But my provider says that they aren''t an open relay!

Looking up any IP address listed in DSBL on our website will display a copy of a message actually relayed through that server, with full headers and SMTP envelope. DSBL only adds hosts to our database that actually relay mail; accepting the mail then dropping it won''t get a host listed.

But the open relay was fixed last week!

Since DSBL does not do tests of servers, it has no way to detect that your server was fixed. The administrator of the server can remove the server from DSBL at any time. However, it is advisible to fix the security problem before requesting to be removed from DSBL, since servers with a persistant security problem tend to get listed again eventually.

My provider says that they have to be an open relay.

No server has to be an open relay. For installations that have users sending mail from all around the world (such as many web hosting companies), SMTP AUTH is an excellent solution for avoiding open relay.



這是不是說我們因為OPEN RELAY被列入名單?

除非我們有第二個IP可以使用PORT 25?
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2001-11-07
文章: 13011

發表發表於: 星期三 六月 30, 2004 5:52 pm    文章標題: Re: dsbl.org 引言回覆

Joe_em 寫到:
I got a message telling me to come here.

We''''''''re sorry. If you bothered coming to this page, you are probably an innocent mail user who''''''''s mail has bounced back with a message telling you to come to this site. We''''''''ll try to explain what''''''''s happened.

You sent mail to a destination address. The person who runs the mail server at that address has chosen to refuse email from dangerously misconfigured, insecure, or abuseable servers based on a list that we publish. They most likely did this because blocking mail that originates from servers in our list can significantly reduce the amount of UCE (unsolicited commercial email), or spam, that users of their mail server receive.

Please don''''''''t misunderstand; we''''''''re not implying that you send spam. The message that you received simply means that the administrator of your server either doesn''''''''t know, or has chosen to run an open relay or open proxy.

An open relay is a mail server that will accept and deliver mail from anywhere to anywhere. This is as opposed to properly configured mail servers, which will only accept mail from or to their own site. Many spammers send spam through these relays, which act as amplifiers and anonymizers for their messages.

How to fix this.

Of course, you want your mail to go through. In order for this to happen, your Internet Provider needs to fix their mail server. You can point them to this page, if you like; there are instructions linked off our front page fixing most mail servers. As soon as your provider fixes their server and requests removal from this website, your mail will start going through again.

But my provider says that they aren''''t an open relay!

Looking up any IP address listed in DSBL on our website will display a copy of a message actually relayed through that server, with full headers and SMTP envelope. DSBL only adds hosts to our database that actually relay mail; accepting the mail then dropping it won''''t get a host listed.

But the open relay was fixed last week!

Since DSBL does not do tests of servers, it has no way to detect that your server was fixed. The administrator of the server can remove the server from DSBL at any time. However, it is advisible to fix the security problem before requesting to be removed from DSBL, since servers with a persistant security problem tend to get listed again eventually.

My provider says that they have to be an open relay.

No server has to be an open relay. For installations that have users sending mail from all around the world (such as many web hosting companies), SMTP AUTH is an excellent solution for avoiding open relay.



這是不是說我們因為OPEN RELAY被列入名單?

除非我們有第二個IP可以使用PORT 25?

國外這種機制把你列在其中, 不是一定你是 open relay.
(當然也是有可能, 端看你的設定正確與否).
我覺得只是它ban 某段IP ...
*若是想問問題的話, 請務必不要塗改任何 IP, 網域資料, 您若不願貼上IP或網域, 請改以電子郵件來詢問. 謝謝您的配合.*
*若是回報疑似軟體的運行或邏輯或資料處理有誤的問題, 小弟很樂意去了解您的情況, 但請務必以最新版來做回報, 如果以郵件詢問, 請參考 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/feedback.html 的說明, 最好標題加個 RaidenMAILD 字樣, 才不致會遺漏了您的信唷. 謝謝您的配合^^*
*在版上發文請遵守網路禮儀, 並請持著虛心敘述問題請教他人, 凡發現違反的文, 均一律刪除為優先, 不另行通知喔.
*與使用者教學相長腦力激盪是我輩成就感的來源, 誠心希望您能不吝指教.
*雷電MAILD 知識庫文件 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/kb/

Team John Long.
Email: [email protected]
公司網站 http://www.raidenmaild.com/company/
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息 發送電子郵件
Frank Hsu

註冊時間: 2003-11-28
文章: 270
來自: 台灣 , 中華民國

發表發表於: 星期三 六月 30, 2004 11:32 pm    文章標題: Re: dsbl.org 引言回覆

Joe_em 寫到:

這是不是說我們因為OPEN RELAY被列入名單?

除非我們有第二個IP可以使用PORT 25?

這跟用幾個 MAILD 無關, 只要您的MAILD設定正確,
RMAILD 就不會被 Relay!
而且我覺得您為什麼會想要第二個IP可以使用PORT 25???
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2002-05-27
文章: 39
來自: 台灣 , 中華民國

發表發表於: 星期四 七月 01, 2004 12:02 pm    文章標題: 引言回覆


至於為何要用第二個port 25,我在看那機構網頁時,發現他連我用哪個PORT出去都知道,所以我懷疑是因為我第二個MAILD因為不是用port 25而被認為是OPEN RELAY

檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息
Frank Hsu

註冊時間: 2003-11-28
文章: 270
來自: 台灣 , 中華民國

發表發表於: 星期四 七月 01, 2004 5:43 pm    文章標題: 引言回覆

Joe_em 寫到:

至於為何要用第二個port 25,我在看那機構網頁時,發現他連我用哪個PORT出去都知道,所以我懷疑是因為我第二個MAILD因為不是用port 25而被認為是OPEN RELAY


首先, 請先登入 DSBL.org 的網站: www.dsbl.org
第二, Click [Is my IP listed by DSBL?], 確認您的 IP 是否在 DSBL 的黑名單?
第三, 如果很不幸的, 您的 IP 被列入 DSBL 的黑名單, 請 Click
[Please remove my IP. ]
接下來, 請確定您的 RMAILD 沒有 Open Relay, 因為 DSBL 會在 24 HRS內測試您的 MAil Server, 如果稽核成功, 他們將會把您的 IP 從他們的 Block List 移除!
如果您真的被DSBL列入黑名單, 順便建議您到下列大的管制SPAM機構看看:
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2002-05-27
文章: 39
來自: 台灣 , 中華民國

發表發表於: 星期二 七月 06, 2004 11:04 am    文章標題: 引言回覆




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