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paul1218 一級
註冊時間: 2007-04-25 文章: 8
發表於: 星期三 七月 18, 2007 10:41 am 文章標題: 別人寄信都寄不進來,大大救救我 |
Hi. This is the smtp delivery program.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
<paul>, remote server said: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected]
--- Below this line is a copy of the message.
This is the mail system at host mt3.pchome.com.tw.
I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.
For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.
If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.
The mail system
: host kneworder.com.tw[] said: 550 5.7.1
Unable to relay for [email protected] (in reply to RCPT TO command)
可不可以幫幫我要怎麼解決? |
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Arnor 究極の素還尊
註冊時間: 2001-11-07 文章: 13011 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期三 七月 18, 2007 11:29 am 文章標題: |
550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected]
首先, 此訊息不屬於雷電MAILD.
Default Server: dns.hinet.net
> set q=mx
> kneworder.com.tw
Server: dns.hinet.net
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
kneworder.com.tw MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mail.kneworder.com.tw
mail.kneworder.com.tw internet address =
Trying (mail.kneworder.com.tw) ...
Connected to mail.kneworder.com.tw
220 mail.kneworder.com.tw Welcome to RaidenMAILD ESMTP service v1912, Wed, 18 Jul 2007 11:46:46 +0800, (C)2001-2007
但是你的MX 指向的確是MAILD.
我想, 當DNS 更動被對方查到新資料應該就會好..
你不妨可請客戶再試試 _________________ *若是想問問題的話, 請務必不要塗改任何 IP, 網域資料, 您若不願貼上IP或網域, 請改以電子郵件來詢問. 謝謝您的配合.*
*若是回報疑似軟體的運行或邏輯或資料處理有誤的問題, 小弟很樂意去了解您的情況, 但請務必以最新版來做回報, 如果以郵件詢問, 請參考 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/feedback.html 的說明, 最好標題加個 RaidenMAILD 字樣, 才不致會遺漏了您的信唷. 謝謝您的配合^^*
*在版上發文請遵守網路禮儀, 並請持著虛心敘述問題請教他人, 凡發現違反的文, 均一律刪除為優先, 不另行通知喔.
*與使用者教學相長腦力激盪是我輩成就感的來源, 誠心希望您能不吝指教.
*雷電MAILD 知識庫文件 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/kb/
Team John Long.
Email: [email protected]
公司網站 http://www.raidenmaild.com/company/ |
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paul1218 一級
註冊時間: 2007-04-25 文章: 8
發表於: 星期五 七月 20, 2007 9:06 am 文章標題: |
已經可以了∼∼∼謝謝大大喔∼∼∼ |
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