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fish206452 帝王
註冊時間: 2004-11-30 文章: 352 來自: localhost
發表於: 星期四 八月 04, 2005 7:10 pm 文章標題: domainkeys 是騙小孩的玩具.. |
反解 通過 ,
MX 通過 ,
RBL 通過 ,
SPF 通 過,
Domainkeys 通過
ps:去問爛K,他的答覆也很好笑 _________________ [email protected] |
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Liang 獅王
註冊時間: 2002-11-10 文章: 662 來自: 台灣 , 中華民國
發表於: 星期四 八月 04, 2005 8:26 pm 文章標題: Re: domainkeys 是騙小孩的玩具.. |
fish206452 寫到: |
反解 通過 ,
MX 通過 ,
RBL 通過 ,
SPF 通 過,
Domainkeys 通過
ps:去問爛K,他的答覆也很好笑 |
那不是 Yahoo 所提倡的嗎?
廣告信還是有相當多軟體或方案可參考使用... |
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fish206452 帝王
註冊時間: 2004-11-30 文章: 352 來自: localhost
發表於: 星期五 八月 05, 2005 7:26 pm 文章標題: |
引言回覆: |
Dear Valued Yahoo! Customer,
At Yahoo!, your satisfaction is our measure of success. So that we may
better meet your needs and preferences, we invite you to give us your
feedback about your recent experience with Yahoo! Customer Care in a
brief online survey.
To access our survey, click on the URL below.
Yahoo! Support Satisfaction Survey
The first few questions deal with the handling of your recent support case described below. You will then have the opportunity to comment on Yahoo! in general. Any questions or comments about this survey may be sent to [email protected]. Thank you!
Support Case Experience
Case number: xxxx
Property: Mail
Contact date: 08/01/2005
Overall, how satisfied are you with the handling of this particular case?
Please rate your satisfaction with Yahoo!'s performance during this particular case.
Is this issue resolved?
Overall, how satisfied are you with Yahoo!'s Mail?
How satisfied are you with the quality of the current Yahoo! Mail spam filtering solution (SpamGuard)?
Overall, how satisfied are you with Yahoo!?
How likely are you to recommend Yahoo! to a friend or colleague?
Overall, how satisfied are you with Yahoo!?
_________________ [email protected] |
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