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oiano 八段
註冊時間: 2002-03-08 文章: 172 來自: 台灣島
發表於: 星期四 二月 15, 2007 2:42 am 文章標題: 重復存信問題 |
需要你幫忙測試看看,是我弄錯還是maild 確實發生多次存檔
因為需要使用到群組信箱 又不一定會列在 vip 的 ip
我先開設了 alluser_xxx 這個 mail list
再開設一個 xxx 使用者信箱
然後將 xxx 的信自動轉寄給 alluser_xxx
alluser_xxx 內的所有使用者
我看 雷電的動作 確實也是存檔兩次
群組信箱 alluser_xxx 裡面的帳號都會重復存檔至少兩次動作
但 xxx 信箱也才只有存檔一次!
所以想跟大大確認一下 是我設定有錯?
附上我開了一個群組信箱 只有一個帳號時 的存信動作
引言回覆: |
[2/14/2007 12:34:18 PM] [5288] Event condition found(clamscan), and execute the event successfully("C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin\clamscan.exe" -d "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\.clamwin\db" -i --quiet -l "E:\log file\clamscan.log" --tempdir="C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin\temp" --remove E:\MaildServer\Inboxes\gino.lo\_20070214123415-128989626-5288.eml)
[2/14/2007 12:34:17 PM] [5288] Save mail to <gino.lo> mailbox, the filename is _20070214123415-128989626-5288.eml 10721 bytes
[2/14/2007 12:34:17 PM] [5288] SMTP2 service disconnect connection from 66.98.*.*
[2/14/2007 12:34:16 PM] [2620] Send mail from [email protected] to [email protected](66.98.*.*) successfully 9385 bytes ( 9.4 KB/s)
[2/14/2007 12:34:16 PM] [3048] Event condition found(clamscan), and execute the event successfully("C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin\clamscan.exe" -d "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\.clamwin\db" -i --quiet -l "E:\log file\clamscan.log" --tempdir="C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin\temp" --remove E:\MaildServer\Inboxes\gino.lo\_20070214123413-128988095-3048.eml)
[2/14/2007 12:34:16 PM] [5288] 66.98.*.* - Mail received (To:[email protected]) 10593 bytes ( 14.4 Kb/s)
[2/14/2007 12:34:15 PM] [3048] Save mail to <gino.lo> mailbox, the filename is _20070214123413-128988095-3048.eml 10721 bytes
[2/14/2007 12:34:15 PM] [3048] Event condition found(clamscan), and execute the event successfully("C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin\clamscan.exe" -d "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\.clamwin\db" -i --quiet -l "E:\log file\clamscan.log" --tempdir="C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin\temp" --remove E:\MaildServer\Inboxes\service\_20070214123413-128988094-3048.eml)
[2/14/2007 12:34:15 PM] [5288] 66.98.*.* requests SMTP service - Sender: [email protected]
[2/14/2007 12:34:14 PM] [5288] SMTP2 service connection from 66.98.*.*
[2/14/2007 12:34:14 PM] [3048] Save mail to <service> mailbox, the filename is _20070214123413-128988094-3048.eml 10721 bytes
[2/14/2007 12:34:14 PM] [3048] SMTP2 service disconnect connection from 66.98.*.*
[2/14/2007 12:34:14 PM] [2620] Send mail from [email protected] to [email protected](66.98.*.*) successfully 9385 bytes ( 9.4 KB/s)
[2/14/2007 12:34:14 PM] [3048] 66.98.*.* - Mail received (To:[email protected],[email protected]) 10593 bytes ( 23.4 Kb/s)
[2/14/2007 12:34:13 PM] [3048] 66.98.*.* requests SMTP service - Sender: [email protected]
[2/14/2007 12:34:13 PM] [3048] SMTP2 service connection from 66.98.*.*
[2/14/2007 12:34:13 PM] [2620] SMTP service disconnect connection from 123.194.*.*
[2/14/2007 12:34:10 PM] [2620] 123.194.*.* - Mail received (To:[email protected],[email protected]) 9264 bytes ( 6.8 Kb/s)
[2/14/2007 12:34:08 PM] [2620] 123.194.*.* requests SMTP service - Sender: [email protected]
[2/14/2007 12:34:08 PM] [2620] SMTP service connection from 123.194.*.*
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oiano 八段
註冊時間: 2002-03-08 文章: 172 來自: 台灣島
發表於: 星期四 二月 15, 2007 2:55 am 文章標題: |
那個... 找到另一個解決方法 = =
不用轉寄給用備份信件給 alluser_xxx
哈 = = 不過大大能解說一下
會何轉寄時會出現存檔兩次的情況嗎? |
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Arnor 究極の素還尊
註冊時間: 2001-11-07 文章: 13011 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期四 二月 15, 2007 6:51 pm 文章標題: |
請到伺服器設定->其它設定(2)->停用1st SMTP的自動轉寄 _________________ *若是想問問題的話, 請務必不要塗改任何 IP, 網域資料, 您若不願貼上IP或網域, 請改以電子郵件來詢問. 謝謝您的配合.*
*若是回報疑似軟體的運行或邏輯或資料處理有誤的問題, 小弟很樂意去了解您的情況, 但請務必以最新版來做回報, 如果以郵件詢問, 請參考 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/feedback.html 的說明, 最好標題加個 RaidenMAILD 字樣, 才不致會遺漏了您的信唷. 謝謝您的配合^^*
*在版上發文請遵守網路禮儀, 並請持著虛心敘述問題請教他人, 凡發現違反的文, 均一律刪除為優先, 不另行通知喔.
*與使用者教學相長腦力激盪是我輩成就感的來源, 誠心希望您能不吝指教.
*雷電MAILD 知識庫文件 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/kb/
Team John Long.
Email: [email protected]
公司網站 http://www.raidenmaild.com/company/ |
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