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changjac 三段
註冊時間: 2002-02-27 文章: 74 來自: 基隆
發表於: 星期四 四月 18, 2002 10:00 pm 文章標題: |
主旨大概是'a funny game'或'a excite game'之類的,但附檔是一個執行檔(exe)及網頁檔(.htm)
This is a special funnygame This game is my first work. You're the first player.
I wish you would like it.
[email protected]
來信我可以將病毒給你研究。 |
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Arnor 究極の素還尊
註冊時間: 2001-11-07 文章: 13011 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期四 四月 18, 2002 10:12 pm 文章標題: |
到 outlook express 的版面配置, 把預覽窗格拿掉, 以後看信時柄持著一個原則, 就是莫明奇妙的信就不要double click 來看了, 直接砍掉, 沒什麼損失的....
_________________ *若是想問問題的話, 請務必不要塗改任何 IP, 網域資料, 您若不願貼上IP或網域, 請改以電子郵件來詢問. 謝謝您的配合.*
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*在版上發文請遵守網路禮儀, 並請持著虛心敘述問題請教他人, 凡發現違反的文, 均一律刪除為優先, 不另行通知喔.
*與使用者教學相長腦力激盪是我輩成就感的來源, 誠心希望您能不吝指教.
*雷電MAILD 知識庫文件 http://www.raidenmaild.com/tw/kb/
Team John Long.
Email: [email protected]
公司網站 http://www.raidenmaild.com/company/ |
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violet 九段
註冊時間: 2002-01-15 文章: 194 來自: 中華民國
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Weijay 拳王
註冊時間: 2002-03-08 文章: 323 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期四 四月 18, 2002 11:46 pm 文章標題: |
是指NAV(Norton Anti Virus)嗎?
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march 一級
註冊時間: 2002-04-18 文章: 7 來自: 高雄市
發表於: 星期五 四月 19, 2002 12:10 am 文章標題: |
上星期我分別收到5封不同主旨內容及有附加檔的信,但都是被我ZoneAlarm檔住,我開啟資料夾後NAV還會跳出來警告!但最後這封fungame NAV竟然沒有跳出來警告?還好這5封來源都一樣我並未開啟,但如果是變種病毒不用開啟直接預覽就會中毒的話那就太可怕啦!
對了!要請問尊老大,我灌完MAILD後NAV的常駐程式小圖示就不見了,移除MAILD後就自動恢復,請問這樣有影響嗎? |
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violet 九段
註冊時間: 2002-01-15 文章: 194 來自: 中華民國
發表於: 星期五 四月 19, 2002 10:54 am 文章標題: |
在網路流傳: 會
發現日期: 2002/04/17
可偵測的日期: 2002/04/17
可偵測之最新病毒碼: 265
可偵測之最新掃描引擎: 5.200
平台: Windows
加密: 不會
病毒大小: 94,932 Bytes
Mass-mailing routine
To propagate copies of itself, this worm uses its own SMTP engine to send an email containing its executable program. It has several ways of collecting its spoofed source email address and target email address.
It randomly chooses its target users from the above pool of email addresses and from the email address that appear in the From field of the email.
[ 這篇文章被編輯過: violet 在 2002-04-19 10:58 ] |
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kevinpisces 九段
註冊時間: 2002-03-26 文章: 200 來自: Tainan
發表於: 星期五 四月 19, 2002 11:08 am 文章標題: |
引言回覆: |
在 2002-04-18 22:12, Arnor 寫了:
到 outlook express 的版面配置, 把預覽窗格拿掉, 以後看信時柄持著一個原則, 就是莫明奇妙的信就不要double click 來看了, 直接砍掉, 沒什麼損失的....
_________________ |
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donsonyang 七段
註冊時間: 2002-03-31 文章: 159 來自: 中華民國
發表於: 星期五 四月 19, 2002 11:39 am 文章標題: |
如果有提供attached filter中毒的機率大慨降低百分之50吧!!
attached file : align[1].scr
Subject : Virus Alert - PE_MOE.A, WORM_MYLIFE.I, ABAP_RIVPAS.A
There are three dangerous worms spreading, their names are PE_MOE.A, WORM_MYLIFE.I, ABAP_RIVPAS.A
IMPORTANT: Delete these message without opening them. Also ensure that the message is deleted from your deleted items folder.
This is a polymorphic mass mailing worm that propagates via
Microsoft Outlook. It also infects EXE and SCR files in the current folder
where it was executed, as well as files in your Windows and System folder.
For the email message, it contains 20 varying messages
(subject/message body/attachment) which it will pick radomly when sending
out emails.
Subject: Seduccion
Body: Cap.3 El arte de provocar.
Attachment: s_CAP3.EXE
Subject: Humano
Body: El Ser Humano que pudiste ser.
Attachment: HUMANO.EXE
Subject: Musica
Body: Esta es la musica que te prometi.
Attachment: MUSIC.EXE
Subject: Mujer
Body: La mujer mas bella...
Attachment: MUJER.EXE
Subject: Hombre
Body: Un hombre entero.
Attachment: HOMBRE.EXE
Subject: Confesion
Body: +Ya sabes que fui yo?.
Subject: Infidelidad
Body: Las imagenes de tu infidelidad.
Attachment: INFIEL.EXE
Subject: Belleza
Body: +No estas conforme con tu apariencia?
Attachment: BELLEZA.EXE
Subject: Relaciones casuales
Body: Esta es la lista para esta semana.
Attachment: LISTArc.EXE
Subject: Tus deseos
Body: Si te conforman, puedo enviar mas.
Attachment: DESEOS.EXE
Subject: Mi secreto
Body: Recorda tu promesa!
Attachment: SECRETO.EXE
Subject: La clave
Body: No la vuelvas a perder, no abuses.
Attachment: CLAVE.EXE
Subject: Enojo
Body: Cuando veas esto, se te pasa.
Attachment: YO.EXE
Subject: Perdon
Body: Crei que ya lo habia enviado.
Attachment: FEOS.EXE
Subject: Responde!
Body: Nunca respondiste. No seas cruel.
Attachment: PASION.EXE
Subject: Cita
Body: Me gusto lo que enviaste. Si te gusta, arreglamos.
Attachment: CITA2.EXE
Subject: Papelon
Body: Te dije que es demasiado gorda. Mira!
Attachment: GORDA.EXE
Subject: Renuncio
Body: No puedo mejorarlo, ya es perfecto.
Attachment: CUERPO.EX
Subject: Monstruo
Body: Ahora te creo. Pobre mujer!
Attachment: MONSTRUO.EXE
Subject: Joven
Body: Disculpa, sos demasiado joven para mi.
Attachment: JOVEN.EXE
Size of email : Unknown
This is another variant of the MYLIFE worm created in Visual Basic
that is UPX-compressed. It uses Microsoft Outlook to spread to all users
listed in the user's address book.
The email comes with the following contents:
Subject: peeeeep picture
Body: hi all, H look to the 3D Picture it's very sad
Attachment: peeeep~~~.scr
Size of email : Unknown
This proof of concept virus infects SAP R/3 programs and reports.
Upon execution, this virus, which is written in Advanced Business
Application Programming Language (ABAP), will attempt to find the SAP report
directory in the system, wherein it will search for functions and reports to
infect on the said path.
Virus Implications :
PE_MOE.A polymorphic, mass-mailing worm arrives as an attachment. Upon execution it drops a copy of itself in the Windows directory. The dropped file can be of any name with the extension of .exe.
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Arnor 究極の素還尊
註冊時間: 2001-11-07 文章: 13011 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期五 四月 19, 2002 12:58 pm 文章標題: |
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violet 九段
註冊時間: 2002-01-15 文章: 194 來自: 中華民國
發表於: 星期五 四月 19, 2002 1:29 pm 文章標題: |
worm_klez.g 是沒有附件的
所以說只要Outlook express or Outlook 系列有開預覽弁鄖S裝防毒軟體或是沒更新收到時就會發作了,感染清除時可是粉麻煩的...唉
所以養成習慣吧把預覽弁鈱鶶泵洧鴢H時可疑主旨就... 殺吧!!
_________________ ^_^ |
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violet 九段
註冊時間: 2002-01-15 文章: 194 來自: 中華民國
發表於: 星期五 四月 19, 2002 1:33 pm 文章標題: |
worm_klez.g 是沒有附件的
所以說只要Outlook express or Outlook 系列有開預覽弁鄖S裝防毒軟體或是沒更新收到時就會發作了,感染清除時可是粉麻煩的...唉
所以養成習慣吧把預覽弁鈱鶶泵洧鴢H時可疑主旨就... 殺吧!!
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