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bv2em 八段
註冊時間: 2002-04-02 文章: 183 來自: Taipei
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虛無飄渺 五段
註冊時間: 2002-03-20 文章: 101 來自: 台灣 , 中華民國
發表於: 星期二 八月 27, 2002 7:55 pm 文章標題: |
小弟有照上面大大的指示去做 不過在登入畫面輸入帳號密碼後 都顯示帳號密碼錯誤 是在雷電maild那邊還要做什麼設定嗎 |
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bv2em 八段
註冊時間: 2002-04-02 文章: 183 來自: Taipei
發表於: 星期二 八月 27, 2002 9:42 pm 文章標題: |
虛無飄渺 寫到: | 小弟有照上面大大的指示去做 不過在登入畫面輸入帳號密碼後 都顯示帳號密碼錯誤 是在雷電maild那邊還要做什麼設定嗎 |
帳號、密碼應是在雷電中設定的,UebiMiau只是很單純的提供Web介面而已,如果在登入畫面輸入帳號密碼後 都顯示帳號密碼錯誤,你要先檢查看看
2.UebiMiau的\inc\config.php是否設定正確?? |
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番茄男 小霸王
註冊時間: 2002-03-31 文章: 262 來自: 中華民國
發表於: 星期二 八月 27, 2002 9:59 pm 文章標題: 懇請大家幫幫忙.. 謝謝您 |
我載完了.. 要放在雷電mail 裡面那個資料夾 請幫幫我.. 謝謝您.. 謝謝您
_________________ 努力存$ 中, 好買個.com.tw的域名 ^-^y |
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bv2em 八段
註冊時間: 2002-04-02 文章: 183 來自: Taipei
發表於: 星期三 八月 28, 2002 5:34 pm 文章標題: Re: 懇請大家幫幫忙.. 謝謝您 |
番茄男 寫到: | 我載完了.. 要放在雷電mail 裡面那個資料夾 請幫幫我.. 謝謝您.. 謝謝您
你在問什麼問題啊?? |
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虛無飄渺 五段
註冊時間: 2002-03-20 文章: 101 來自: 台灣 , 中華民國
發表於: 星期三 八月 28, 2002 6:58 pm 文章標題: |
抱歉 小弟太笨了 怎麼用都顯示帳號密碼錯誤 我把我的設定檔貼上來 希望各位大大幫我看看 (先跟大大說抱歉 可能有點佔篇幅)
UebiMiau is a GPL''ed software developed by
- Aldoir Ventura - [email protected]
- http://uebimiau.sourceforge.net
Fell free to contact, send donations or anything to me
S緌 Paulo - Brasil
1 - Yes/On/True
0 - No/Off/False
_ Please attention _:
The temporary files will be stored on this folder
For security reasons, do not use web-shared folders
** The Web Server needs write-permission on this folder
* Unix/Linux users use.
* Win32 users
NEVER use backslashes (\). Always use forward slashes (/),
for all operating systems, INCLUDING Windows
$temporary_directory = "./database/";
Your local SMTP Server (alias or IP) such as "smtp.yourdomain.com"
eg. "server1;server2;server3" -> specify main and backup server
$smtp_server = "zmanftp.adsldns.org"; //YOU NEED CHANGE IT !!
Protocol and port
Choose "imap" as protocol to use the Internet Mail Access Protocol,
or "pop3" to use the Post Office Protocol.
The default ports are:
pop3 -> 110
imap -> 143
The imap is more fast, but all functions of UebiMiau works with POP3
$mail_protocol = "pop3";
$mail_port = 110;
The TIME ZONE of server, format (+|-)HHMM (H=hours, M=minutes), eg. +0100
$server_time_zone = "+0800";
The maximum size for stored files
In order to keep you system fast, use values better than 5MB
If you need disable it, set the value to 0 or leave it blank
$quota_limit = 51200; // in KB, eg. 4096 Kb = 4MB
Use SMTP password (AUTH LOGIN type)
$use_password_for_smtp = no;
Redirect new users to the preferences page at first login
$check_first_login = yes;
Server type:
allowed values:
"DETECT" --------> Guess the pop3 server. If you are running UM
in a domain "www.company.com", the script will
use "PREFIX.company.com" as your server. you
can set the "PREFIX" in the var $mail_detect_prefix.
Also, the var $mail_detect_remove can be set
to "www.", then the script get rid the "www" and
put the prefix, eg. pop3.company.com.br
"ONE-FOR-EACH" --> Each domain have your own mail server.
The script will load the list of domains/servers from
var $mail_servers.
"ONE-FOR-ALL" ---> If you use this option, your users must supply the
full email address as username. You can set the mail
server in the var $default_mail_server
Note. You can supply the LOGIN_TYPE according to your MAIL SERVER.
Eg. If your mail server requires usernames in [email protected], you must
specify the LOGIN_TYPE as "%user%@%domain%". You can combine it according to
your server. eg.
$mail_server_type = "ONE-FOR-EACH";
$mail_detect_remove = "www.";
$mail_detect_prefix = "";
$mail_detect_login_type = "%user%@%domain%";
Each domain have your own mail server
$mail_servers[] = Array(
"domain" => "zmanftp.adsldns.org",
"server" => "zmanftp.adsldns.org",
"login_type" => "%user%@%domain%"
$mail_servers[] = Array(
"domain" => "your-2nd-domain.com",
"server" => "mail.your-2nd-domain.com",
"login_type" => "%user%@%domain%"
$mail_servers[] = Array(
"domain" => "your-Nth-domain.com",
"server" => "mail.Nth-domain.com",
"login_type" => "%user%@%domain%"
the default mail server for all domains
$default_mail_server = "zmanftp.adsldns.org";
$one_for_all_login_type = "%user%@%domain%";
Language & themes settings
$allow_user_change_theme = yes; //allow users select theme
$default_theme = 0; //index of theme, starting with zero
$allow_user_change_language = yes; //allow users select language
$default_language = 0; //index of language, starting with zero
$themes[] = Array(
"name" => "UebiMiau Default",
"path" => "default"
$languages[] = Array(
"name" => "繁體中文",
"path" => "tw"
$languages[] = Array(
"name" => "English",
"path" => "en_UK"
Support for SendMail (DEFAULT DISABLED (using SMTP))
Only for *nix Systems (NOT Win32)
$use_sendmail = no;
$path_to_sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
In some POP3 servers, if you send a "RETR" command, your
message will be automatically deleted
This option prevents this inconvenience
$mail_use_top = yes;
Enable visualization of HTML messages (recommended)
*This option afect only incoming messages, the HTML editor
for new messages (compose page) is automatically activated
when the client''s browser support it (IE5 or higher)
$mime_show_html = yes;
Name and Version, it''s used in many places, like as
"X-Mailer" field, footer
$appversion = "2.7";
$appname = "UebiMiau";
Add an "footer" to sent mails
$footer = "
Message sent using $appname $appversion
Enable debug
no - disabled
1 or yes -> enabled with full results
2 -> enable with servers communications only
$enable_debug = 0;
Block external images.
If an HTML message have external images, it will be
blocked. This feature prevent spam tracking
$block_external_images = no;
Session timeout for inactivity
$idle_timeout = 10; //minutes
Order setting
$default_sortby = "date";
$default_sortorder = "DESC";
Default preferences...
$send_to_trash_default = yes; //send deleted messages to trash
$st_only_ready_default = yes; //only read messages, otherwise, delete it
$save_to_sent_default = yes; //send sent messages to sent
$empty_trash_default = yes; //empty trash on logout
$sortby_default = "date"; //alowed: "attach","subject","fromname","date","size"
$sortorder_default = "DESC"; //alowed: "ASC","DESC"
$rpp_default = 20; // records per page (messages), alowed:
$add_signature_default = no; //add the signature by default
$signature_default = ""; // a default signature for all users, use text only, with multiple
lines if needed
$timezone_default = "+0800"; // timezone, format (+|-)HHMM (H=hours, M=minutes)
$display_images_deafult = yes; // automatically show attached images in the body of message
$editor_mode_default = "html"; // use "html" or "text" to set default editor. "html" will be used only in
IE5+ browsers
$refresh_time_default = 10; //after this time, the message list will be refreshed, in minutes
謝謝 |
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sos 六段
註冊時間: 2002-03-26 文章: 137 來自: 中華民國
發表於: 星期三 八月 28, 2002 8:29 pm 文章標題: |
虛無飄渺 寫到: | 抱歉 小弟太笨了 怎麼用都顯示帳號密碼錯誤 我把我的設定檔貼上來 希望各位大大幫我看看 (先跟大大說抱歉 可能有點佔篇幅)
Each domain have your own mail server
$mail_servers[] = Array(
"domain" => "zmanftp.adsldns.org",
"server" => "zmanftp.adsldns.org",
"login_type" => "%user%@%domain%"
$mail_servers[] = Array(
"domain" => "zmanftp.adsldns.org",
"server" => "zmanftp.adsldns.org",
"login_type" => "%user%" 這裡要改成這樣 |
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虛無飄渺 五段
註冊時間: 2002-03-20 文章: 101 來自: 台灣 , 中華民國
發表於: 星期三 八月 28, 2002 11:08 pm 文章標題: |
YA!!感謝SOS大大 我成功了 再三的感謝 |
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番茄男 小霸王
註冊時間: 2002-03-31 文章: 262 來自: 中華民國
發表於: 星期三 八月 28, 2002 11:32 pm 文章標題: Re: 懇請大家幫幫忙.. 謝謝您 |
bv2em 寫到: | 番茄男 寫到: | 我載完了.. 要放在雷電mail 裡面那個資料夾 請幫幫我.. 謝謝您.. 謝謝您
你在問什麼問題啊?? |
抱歉 我太笨了.. 我想要尋問的是. 載完後.. 應該放在那.. 才能正常運做
比如 我雷電mail 裝在E:\ MAIL 那此軟體要放在E:\ MAIL裡面那個資料夾?
抱歉... 我比較笨 _________________ 努力存$ 中, 好買個.com.tw的域名 ^-^y |
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holt 五段
註冊時間: 2002-04-14 文章: 114 來自: 台灣 , 中華民國
發表於: 星期四 八月 29, 2002 12:05 am 文章標題: Re: 懇請大家幫幫忙.. 謝謝您 |
番茄男 寫到: | bv2em 寫到: | 番茄男 寫到: | 我載完了.. 要放在雷電mail 裡面那個資料夾 請幫幫我.. 謝謝您.. 謝謝您
你在問什麼問題啊?? |
抱歉 我太笨了.. 我想要尋問的是. 載完後.. 應該放在那.. 才能正常運做
比如 我雷電mail 裝在E:\ MAIL 那此軟體要放在E:\ MAIL裡面那個資料夾?
抱歉... 我比較笨 |
跟雷電 maild沒有完全相關...... |
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hyrum 一級
註冊時間: 2002-08-27 文章: 6 來自: 台灣 , 中華民國
發表於: 星期四 八月 29, 2002 8:57 am 文章標題: |
我想他問的是這個web mail介面要解壓縮到哪裡去?
因為小弟也是第一次接觸...完全沒有頭緒.. |
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bv2em 八段
註冊時間: 2002-04-02 文章: 183 來自: Taipei
發表於: 星期四 八月 29, 2002 10:14 am 文章標題: |
hyrum 寫到: | 我想他問的是這個web mail介面要解壓縮到哪裡去?
因為小弟也是第一次接觸...完全沒有頭緒.. |
若嫌麼煩,可以到網站找appserv程式,它包裝好了以上的軟體,安裝好後通常就可以用了。 |
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虛無飄渺 五段
註冊時間: 2002-03-20 文章: 101 來自: 台灣 , 中華民國
發表於: 星期四 八月 29, 2002 11:06 am 文章標題: |
上面幾位新來的大大可以去參加雷電httpd RC測試員取得雷電HTTPD啊
小弟把這套WEB介面架在HTTPD下 都很順 而且設定都很方便 等待cgi的推出 |
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shcjosh 一級
註冊時間: 2002-02-20 文章: 6 來自: 中華民國
發表於: 星期六 九月 28, 2002 1:23 am 文章標題: webmail顯示怪訊息.. |
我裝了上述webmail, /inc/confis.php也照著前面改
Parse error: parse error, expecting `'')'''' in ./inc/lib.php on line 210
不知道有沒有人可以幫我ㄋ... |
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io_oi 大熊貓
註冊時間: 2002-01-16 文章: 816 來自: TAIWAN
發表於: 星期六 十月 26, 2002 8:13 pm 文章標題: |
是否可以將原來的容量單位改成MB or GB or 無限制?(可惜無法針對每個人所個別顯示) |
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